A Review of Neck Pain Treatment in Carlsbad

Looking For Neck Pain Treatment In Carlsbad?

Are you are seeking neck pain treatment in Carlsbad? If so, you should seek the care of a physical therapist that is an expert in the care of neck pain, its causes, and the many ways to treat it. You will find just those experts at Gaspar Doctors of Physical Therapy.

The first thing your therapist will ask you is your lifestyle and medical history. This will help to determine if your neck problems were caused by major trauma or disease. They will also test your strength, range of motion, and attempt to rule out any serious underlying issues that may need attention.

Your personalized neck-treatment plan will:

  • Relieve stiffness and pain
  • Strengthen your neck
  • Improve your motion

US News Health says this about neck pain:

Neck pain doesn’t get nearly the attention that back pain receives, says Dr. Steven P. Cohen, director of the Johns Hopkins Blaustein Pain Treatment Center. “Neck pain is one of the top five causes of pain worldwide and in the United States,” he says. “But people don’t talk about it.”

More than 30 percent of people suffer from neck pain each year. Feeling stressed can hunch your shoulders, clench your jaw and tense your neck muscles – all of which contribute to neck pain. For most people, it fades away without treatment. But nearly half go on to have chronic or recurring pain, Cohen reports in the February Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

Women are more at risk. So are people who do manual labor, health care workers, computer workers and military pilots, among others. Reference: https://health.usnews.com/health-news/patient-advice/articles/2015/06/26/pain-in-the-neck-passing-crick-or-chronic-agony

There are many ways your physical therapist can help to manage your pain and get you moving again. Here are just a few:

  • Hot and/or cold packs
  • Soft tissue mobilization
  • Modalities such as ultrasound and electrical stimulation
  • Stretches and exercises for your home program

Posture is very important. How you sit, stand, and hold yourself can play a huge role in your pain. We will teach you how to take pressure off of your neck and spinal muscles so that can you do your everyday activities without pain. We can even show you things you can do at home or work to modify your workstation and computer to decrease your chances of bothering your neck.


Do you need neck pain treatment in Carlsbad? Contact us at 760-707-5080 for a complete evaluation. We are experts at evaluating and managing neck programs.